
A Lucid Dreaming Primer

Learning to direct your dreamscape

Have you ever had a really vivid dream where something happened in the dream and when you awoke you believed, at least for a short time, that it was real, that this thing had actually happened?

That is what a lucid dream can be like, with the added aspect of the possibility of being able to ‘direct’ the dream, much as a movie director creates their works.

Lucid dreaming is an extremely interesting phenomena that some people spontaneously experience. Many others would like to dream lucidly but have no idea how to do it. Although I can make no promises, if you are interested in pursuing the possibility that you too could explore lucid dreams, this video is a good beginning.

My video, briefly discusses a variety of techniques that have been used both by lay people and experimenters to induce lucid dreams. These techniques can build up a number of tools to assist you in your practise.

After the explanation, I have included an hypnotic relaxation session designed to help you both fall asleep and potentially to promote lucid dreams, so please don’t play it while driving, cooking, using machinery or doing anything else that could be dangerous to you or others.

One of the most important techniques is maintaining a dream journal, which is the first thing I cover in the video. This can be a useful tool for many aspects of self-awareness and can assist one to understand their own mind more fully.

If you are interested in this exploration of the world of sleep, that most of us spend one third of our lives in, I encourage you to give this session a try.

I look forward to hearing of your experiences, so please leave comments.

Happy dreaming,


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