Don’t Get Stressed About Relaxing

How would you like to be more productive, more confident more focused and more motivated?

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My name is William Bullock, based in Australia, I have been a clinical Hypnotherapist and Stress Management Consultant and Mindset Initiator for over thirty years. Prior to that, I did quite a few different things. Amongst others, I was a professional photographer, a Psychiatric Nurse and a kitchen-hand (not for long). I have studied Hypnosis with some of the greats of the modality including my father Leslie Bullock, Gil Boyne, Ormond McGill and Marleen Mulder. On a recent visit to the USA I further enhanced my studies with Shelley Stockwell-Nicholas, a well known Hypnosis trainer and author. Other areas of interest include, Body surfing, Tai Chi, meditation reading and Philosophy. I was a corporate sales and business manager in the computer business from the mid eighties to early nineties. I have a degree in Photomedia and all graphics on these pages are mine.

My journey has led me to incorporate many of these experiences into my day to day therapy work and assists me to deal with people from all walks of life.

My hope is that you will discover useful information in the following articles that helps you to initiate and enhance your mindset.

The process of Stress Management is about learning simple, effective techniques that will help you to be calm, focused, confident, relaxed and motivated while facing all the weird and wonderful things that happen in life. This includes being able to deal with stress and anxiety as well as difficult people and situations as quickly and effectively as possible and to create a positive mindset for your future.

The following articles are designed to help you Initiate your Positive Mindset and find more balance in your world today.

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Hello, My name is William Bullock. My aim is to help people to deal with stress and anxiety using simple steps and examples. This process includes practical techniques of self awareness, understanding, stress management, self-hypnosis, and relaxation.


Stress Management Consultant and Hypnotherapist with over thirty years in clinical practise. My goal is to provide simplie, practical methods that help anyone deal with stress and anxiety more effectively.